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Adult Onset Diabetes and Quacks
Adult onset diabetes, like the common ulcer of a few years ago, makes a lot of work and provides a lot of money for the medical system. There was a cure for the biological disease of stomach ulcers but the doctors were telling us it was stress-related (Everything is stress-related to some extent, as the Pauling research that won a Nobel Prize for Vitamin therapy [especially 'C'] has proven.) and many people suffered under the surgeon's knife until recently. The homeopathic war with the FDA and drug-pushers is a very interesting study in deceit and power. For example it took until last year for the research at the University of Alabama led by Dr. Campbell to confirm what won a Nobel Prize a quarter century ago. The immune system and lymph system is vital to the interplay between soul and physical body energy manifestation. The arrogance of competitive marketing enterprises can't be the only reason that we have endured the removal of health maintenance at the hands of these 'experts'. Current books on nutrition and herbal supplements tout Hydro-chloric Acid (HCA) and chromium percolonate along with 'Vanadol' as a cure for adult onset diabetes. The truth of the fact that disallows 'Vanadol' for sale in Canada is evil, though I do not believe there is such a thing as evil. The drugs that are recommended lead inexorably to the use of insulin and toxic death. There is research that shows these drugs directly create death in a certain percentage of cases as well. HCA and vitamin C may have benefits in building up the immune system and stopping cancer and other disease. Our body has the ability to cure itself when the soul is properly in tune with it, according to many healers of the past. Will we support it rather than deny it? There is no need to avoid the use of medical approaches when warranted but their overuse leads to hospitals of high risk. The stories of unnecessary operations and faulty operations are rampant in society. When one learns to have regular exercise and nutritional discipline great things can be achieved, as in the case of my 'twin' who beat leukemia which I mentioned under 'cancer cures'. The joke that says if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck - it is a duck! - might have some benefit for us to consider. Who is the quack? The results are sufficient to know we could use the homeopathic and naturopathic or chiropractic knowledge but it is an uphill fight. There are 300 doctors in Ontario who support this 'environmental medicine' but they run the risk of losing their license. Yes, it happens all the time, and the lawyers get rich while people die from the debilitating effects of drugs and their effect on leeching the body of vitamins and resources to beat all kinds of disease. Dr. Bell did a tape I listened to once; it said in 1993 the average age or lifespan of doctors was 57 and the population at large was 73 (U.S.). He is a veterinary doctor who found the benefits of chromium and vanadium with cattle also worked on humans. Animals might 'quack' but 'experts' are often 'quacks'! Author of Diverse DruidsColumnist for The ES Press MagazineWorld-Mysteries.com guest 'expert'
MORE RESOURCES: Health Matters: Free CPR classes + YMCA helping those at risk of diabetes Global News Toronto Popular weight loss, diabetes drug shows promise in reducing cravings for alcohol University of Southern California Diabetes during pregnancy can cause serious problems later – mothers need proper screening after birth The Conversation Indonesia Breaking the stigma around diabetes CTV News Progression from gestational diabetes to type 2 diabetes can be predicted: study Temerty Faculty of Medicine Dark Chocolate Reduces Risk of Diabetes? Don’t Count on It Office for Science and Society Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential, health indicators, and risk of cardiovascular diseases among patients with diabetes: a prospective cohort study Cardiovascular Diabetology Can traditional medicine help solve Kenya’s diabetes crisis? Harvard Public Health Magazine Diabetic Retinopathy National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) Zinc levels linked to type 2 diabetes risk, study finds The Brighter Side of News Can type 2 diabetes be reversed? Experts say 'yes' Medical Xpress Exclusive Healthcare Conference Schedule: Tandem Diabetes Care's March Investor Roadshow Revealed StockTitan Mapping of blood vessel cells may yield diabetes treatments Cornell Chronicle Changes in pre-diabetes and diabetes prevalence and diabetes self-management behaviors across socioeconomic spectra in rural southwest China: 2013–2022 BMC Public Health High Blood Sugar in Diabetes Promotes Rapid Development of Antibiotic-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Pharmacy Times Diabetes World Health Organization This Film Tackles the Emotional Toll of Diabetes Stigma Little Black Book - LBBonline Alberta Diabetes Institute University of Alberta Potential predictive role of Non-HDL to HDL Cholesterol Ratio (NHHR) in MASLD: focus on obese and type 2 diabetic populations BMC Gastroenterology Diabetes and Endocrinology Sinai Health Diabetes First Nations Health Authority Message from Dr. Norman Rosenblum on World Diabetes Day 2024: Empowering Global Health Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada How diabetes fuels antibiotic resistance: What you need to know Innovation News Network Abbott - The Emotional Toll of Diabetes Little Black Book Guidance on global monitoring for diabetes prevention and control: Framework, indicators and application World Health Organization UVA launches trial to test AI-powered device for diabetes management News-Medical.Net ‘Sweat, spike, solve’: Research suggests a new strategy for people with Type 1 diabetes to lower blood sugar after exercise University of Alberta WHO operational handbook on TB and comorbidities, diabetes World Health Organization Breakthrough T1D Walk registration is open! Breakthrough T1D Wrong Smartphone Settings Can Lead to Missed Alerts From Linked Diabetes Devices The Suburban Newspaper Urgent action needed as global diabetes cases increase four-fold over past decades World Health Organization Gestational Diabetes in Subsequent Pregnancies Significantly Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes McGill University Health Centre Lourdes Diabetes Center closing its doors WIVT - NewsChannel 34 nature-diabetes - University of Victoria - University of Victoria University of Victoria News Diabetes can drive the evolution of antibiotic resistance Labmate Online Innovative mobile clinic brings equitable diabetes care to Calgary's underserved communities University of Calgary Emma and Addison Eagles: Finding strength and hope in life with type 1 diabetes Nova Scotia Health Authority Diabetic foot ulcers: A serious risk with life-altering consequences KSNF/KODE - FourStatesHomepage.com New research suggests mitochondria may cure diabetes The Brighter Side of News Healthy Living with Diabetes - NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Olsen not letting Type 1 Diabetes hold him back of success Canadian Hockey League Diabetes World Health Organization World Diabetes Day 2024 World Health Organization World Diabetes Day 14 November Welcome to the United Nations The Best Work You May Never See: Abbott, Director Peter Thwaites, VML Chicago Tackle The Emotional Toll Of Diabetes SHOOT Online Birmingham teenager first patient in the UK to receive groundbreaking diabetes treatment University of Birmingham World Diabetes Day World Health Organization With Diabetes on the Rise, Prevention is Key – Diabetes Awareness with Kayleigh Gordon Shared Health Portraits of Diabetes University of Alberta Belly Fat, Diabetes and Drinking Doubles Liver Disease Risk Southernminn.com Yudi Rubin beats the diabetic odds The Times of Israel Heart health: Drinking ketones may help improve function Medical News Today Digital Desk: The Impact of Diabetes Prejudice Action News 5 Tirzepatide reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 94% in adults with pre-diabetes and obesity or overweight Investors | Eli Lilly and Company Tandem Diabetes Care Announces Upcoming Conference Presentations The Bakersfield Californian Anniversary of the High-Level Technical Summit to accelerate action on diabetes World Health Organization BOB - Portraits of Diabetes University of Alberta ‘Life in Mumbai is brutal’: Doctor’s post on diabetic patient’s gruelling routine sparks debate Hindustan Times JAMIE - Portraits of Diabetes University of Alberta Changes to Gut Microbiome May Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk Harvard Medical School |
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Becoming a Diabetes Expert I am a diabetes expert. No I'm not a doctor or a nurse. Build Health: Want To Prevent Diabetes? To prevent diabetes you will get a real jolt when you follow the prescription offered up in the "Journal of the American Medical Association."This 'prestigious' organization reported on separate studies of coffee drinkers in Sweden and Finland. How Do You Know If You Have Diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by the inability of the body to either produce or respond to insulin making it impossible to maintain proper levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The extra glucose is excreted in the urine and because of the high level of glucose more water is flushed through. Normal Blood Sugar Levels ARE Possible for a Diabetic! What are normal blood sugar levels? Fasting (blood sugar level after not eating for 8 hours) blood sugar should be between 70 milligrams per deciliter to 100 mg/dL. Your blood sugar should not be above 100 at any given time; If it is, this suggests a pre-diabetes condition. Pancreas Transplants - A Solution For Type 1 Diabetes Sufferers? Type 1 diabetes was formerly known as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes matures quickly and symptoms are very visible. Diabetes and Exercise - Just Move it! While exercise and eating guidelines are based on goodscientific principles, they do not necessarily agree withhuman nature or common sense. Recent history tells us thatwe are better off encouraging the mediocre people who arewilling to include exercise in their daily lives, ratherthan cramming guidelines down the majority of those who wantto fight the inevitable. Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition that occurs during pregnancy. Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before, but who have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy, are said to have gestational diabetes. Locating Diabetic Supplies to Manage Diabetes In the United States there are around 17 million people with diabetes. Each of these people need certain Diabetic Supplies. Recognizing Early Symptoms Diabetes Early symptoms diabetesStay alert in recognizing early symptoms of diabetes. Certain symptoms put you on notice and you'll want to decrease the chance of developing into complications. What You Need To Know About Diabetes INTRODUCTIONAccording to the World Health Organization, a few decades back diabetes was an uncommon disease, in both developed and developing countries. Today, the story is different. Diabetes The following information is for educational purposes only and is meant to complement any medical treatment, not to prescribe or diagnose any condition. Please consult with your doctor before starting any medical or nutritional program. Diabetes... Sweet Story of Healing In a time not too long ago, there lived a little girl named Lindsey. (Real story. Diabetes Awareness: Wake Up Call When traveling on out-of-town business, its common to have the hotel front desk give you a wake-up call in the morning. You want to avoid the embarrassment and repercussions of being late for your business appointments. Have Diabetes, But Enjoy Quality Food? Try Diabetic Recipes! Having diabetes certainly limits some of the food you can eat, but with the right diabetic recipes you can still enjoy fine food. Sometimes, it is hard to know what foods are safe for you to eat. Diabetes Symptoms, Causes & Types Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications. Adult Onset Diabetes and Quacks Adult onset diabetes, like the common ulcer of a few years ago, makes a lot of work and provides a lot of money for the medical system. There was a cure for the biological disease of stomach ulcers but the doctors were telling us it was stress-related (Everything is stress-related to some extent, as the Pauling research that won a Nobel Prize for Vitamin therapy [especially 'C'] has proven. Ascensia Breeze Glucometer Rated Simple Testing Over and Over* simple and easy testing. Simple single-function buttons are easy-to-use and easy to understand* No more having to use individual test strips. Humulin or Lantus, Which Insulin For Your Child? Humulin or Lantus? When my daughter, who was 8, was first diagnosed the Children's Hospital that was treating her put her on an insulin program of short acting Humalog NPH and long acting Humalin N. You should have seen me that first day of training after a long night in the emergency room where she was diagnosed. Some Changes Make A Big Difference! When it comes to diabetes, small changes can make a big difference -- even in the middle of an epidemic that currently affects more than 2 million Americans and Canadians, and costs us an estimated $13.2 billion per year. Do You Have Diabetes? Symptoms Of Diabetes And How To Address Them Diabetes mellitus is a condition resulting from the pancreas' inability to produce enough insulin, which is needed by the body to help create energy. A deficiency of or ineffectiveness of insulin leads to high glucose levels in the blood, thus, leading to this illness. ![]() |
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