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What You Need To Know About Diabetes
INTRODUCTION According to the World Health Organization, a few decades back diabetes was an uncommon disease, in both developed and developing countries. Today, the story is different. It is currently estimated that over 143million people worldwide are affected by the disease. This figure is ever increasing, by 2020 over 220million people are expected to be living with diabetes, if the current trend continues. In the United States alone, there are 18.2 million people (6.3% of the population) living with diabetes. While another 13million people have been diagnosed with diabetes. Unfortunately, 5.2milion (or nearly one third) are unaware that they have the disease. The figure for Nigeria is not readily available, but it is estimated that over 1.5million people have diabetes in Nigeria. In developed countries, most patients of diabetes are over sixty, but in developing countries, diabetes is found to affect people in their prime. WHAT IS DIABETES? Diabetes Mellitus (or simply diabetes) is derived from the Greek word 'Diabeinein', meaning 'To pass through' describing copious urination, and Mellitus from the Latin word meaning 'Sweetened with honey'. These two words signify sweetened urine or sugar in urine. Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use Insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed, in the body, to control the rate at which sugar, starch and other food are converted into glucose required as energy for daily life. The hormone is produced and released into the blood by an organ called 'Pancreas'. This insulin help to maintain the blood glucose level within a normal range. The World Health Organization (WHO) puts this normal range between 60 - 100mg/dl (Before taking any food for the day, hence this value is called Fasting Blood Glucose). In health, despite several demands for glucose in different situations, the blood glucose rarely exceeds this value. After a meal the liver stores the glucose from the meal as glycogen and releases it into the blood in between meals. The role of insulin is the control of this storage and release of glucose. It ensures that the amount of glucose in the blood at every particular time does not go beyond or below the normal range. TYPES OF DIABETES. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), five classes of diabetes are recognized, these are; Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) or Type I Diabetes, Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) or Type II Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Diabetes Insipidus and Bronze Diabetes. INSULIN DEPENDENT/TYPE I DIABETES: This type of diabetes was initially called Juvenile onset diabetes because it affects adolescents and young adults. It is caused by a sudden failure of the pancreas to produce Insulin. It is, therefore, an acute disease, presenting with thirst, polyuria (passing large amount of urine), diuresis and weight loss. Type I diabetes is not common, it accounts for less than 10% of all diabetes cases. NON-INSULIN DEPENDENT/ TYPE II DIABETES: This is the most prevalent type of diabetes, accounting for more than 80% of all diabetic cases. It is found in adults and the elderly. This type of diabetes develops gradually over a long period of time (unnoticed) and is characterized by insufficient insulin, deficient insulin in the blood or the inability of the body to utilize the insulin resent (Insulin resistance). Because of its slow and gradual occurrence, it is mostly undetected until one or more of its long-term complications appear. Unlike in Type I Diabetes, the Insulin in the blood of a Type II diabetic may be normal or even high, but lacks the desired effect, due to insulin resistance, and this is prevalent among obese people. GESTATIONAL DIABETES: This type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy and disappears after delivery, within 3weeks. An estimated 3% of all pregnancies are accompanied by gestational diabetes and almost half of these patients are prone to developing permanent diabetes later in life.WHAT CAUSES DIABETES. As with hypertension and other non communicable diseases, no clear cut cause(s) can be attributed to the most prevalent type of diabetes (Type II Diabetes, Type I diabetes being secondary to failure of the pancreas). However, some factors are known to increase one's chances of becoming diabetic and these are called risk factors. For example, indolent and well-fed populations are 2 - 20times more likely to develop type II diabetes than active and lean population of the same race. Some other factors known to increase one chances of getting diabetes include: OBESITY: It is estimated that three quarter (¾) of all Type II diabetes patient are obese. Indolent and affluent lifestyles tend to contribute to this. It is believed that a 10kg loss of weight can reduce fasting blood sugar level by almost 50md/dl. An active lifestyle with frequent exercise is also known to increase Insulin sensitivity. The International standard for measuring overweight and obesity is based on a value called BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). This value is derived by dividing the body weight (in Kilograms) by the square of height (in metres). i.e. BMI = Body weight (Kg) / Height2 (Metres). For adults, a BMI less than 25kg/m2 is preferred. 25 - 29kg/m2 is considered overweight and above 30kg/m2 is Obesity. FAMILY HISTORY: A family history of diabetes increases one's chances of getting the disease. In such a situation, leading a healthy lifestyle and constant monitoring of one's blood sugar level becomes very important.AGE AND RACE: Most Type II diabetes patient are over 40yrs at presentation of the disease. However, the proportion of increase in the incidence of this disease with age is higher for those with a family history of diabetes, obese and probably those leading sedentary lifestyles. Moreover, diabetes tends to be more prevalent among Africans, African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and Asian Americans. Belonging to any of the races is a risk factor in itself. HISTORY OF GESTATIONAL DIABETES: in a woman also increases her chances/possibility of developing permanent diabetes later in life. YOU CAN PREVENT/DELAY DIABETES!Diabetes have no permanent cure once it develops, it is managed al through life. But you can prevent ever falling into this life long pain. Before diabetes present in people, it is almost always preceded by a situation called PRE DIABETES. A situation where the blood glucose is higher than normal, but not yet enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Saddening, however, you cannot know when you fall into this category, if you have not being monitoring your blood glucose regularly. Pre Diabetes is itself a serious medical situation, though can still be reversed by making changes in diet pattern and increasing physical activity. To determine one's blood sugar a test called Fasting Blood Glucose has to be conducted. This test measures the amount of glucose (sugar) in one's blood before taking any meal for the day. It is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). A value below 100mg/dl is generally accepted to be normal, while a value greater than 100mg/dl but less than 120mg/dl is not full diabetes yet, so it is regarded as Pre diabetes. An individual with a pre diabetes blood glucose level need to take urgent steps to reduce his blood glucose or risk life long diabetes. It should be emphasized, however, that the racial and genetic factors predisposing to diabetes are still beyond human comprehension and control. It makes common sense, therefore, to reduce all human controllable factors to the barest minimum. Most of these factors have to do with social occupational and diet habits. The following tips can help reduce your diabetes risk: * Reduce weight. Obesity seems to be the single most significant factor in diabetes. Reducing body weight and fat and maintaining an average body weight is very essential. To this end a body mass index (BMI) less than 25kg/m2 for males and less than 24kg/m2 for females is recommended. * Increase Physical Activity. It is an established fact that diabetes is more common among people that lead a sedentary affluent lifestyle. Simple dynamic exercises like brisk walking for 30-50mins daily or 3-5times weekly has been shown to be very helpful. Exercise reduces bodyweight and fat, increases functionality of the heart, reduces the chances of diabetes and also boosts emotions and healthy living. * Cut down or cut out alcohol. Alcoholic intake of more than 2units per day has been shown to adversely affect the body. Alcohol being an addictive drug makes it very difficult to maintain a definite amount of intake for a long time. It is better therefore to strive to cut out alcohol completely. * Avoid Smoking. Cigarette smoke has been shown to contain several poisonous substances. Cigarette smoking and alcohol have been related to several disease. Stopping smoking will definitely reduce the chances of several other ailments apart from diabetes. * Lean good eating habits, such as; * Cut down on fatty food and junks * Eat more of fish and poultry (without the skin is better). * Garlic reduces blood pressure cholesterol; add it to your meal plan once in a while. * Cut the number of eggs you take to 3- 4 weekly (better boiled than fried). * Reduce salt intake to less than 5.8grams daily. * Eat more of vegetables and fibre rich food, especially fruits. * Finally, constantly monitor your fasting blood glucose, as this is the only way to know when you are getting into trouble. CONCLUSION Diabetes and Hypertension being so interlinked requires a comprehensive plan of care, and this revolves round one's dietary habits, social and environmental factors. Several lifestyle changes like regular exercise, maintaining a moderate body weight, reduction of fat intake and high fibre diet all help to live a normal healthy life. These measures are known to increase insulin sensitivity and also reduce blood pressure. Conclusively, it is very important to create a more health conscious individuals in the populace. A people who practically believe that it is better and cheaper to prevent an illness than to treat it, when it has become stronger. Moreover, preventive health cannot be divorced from regular medical checks, as this two go hand in hand. There is no way to detect several non-communicable diseases without undergoing regular medical checks. The importance of these checks cannot be over emphasized.Be alive to your health. Know your Blood glucose values and live a healthier life free from the pains of diabetes. Mr. Adefemi Kazeem is a graduate of Human Anatomy from a Nigerian University and who wishes to specialize in Public Health, soon.You can contact him by e-mail - yemupz@yahoo.com; Phone - 234-803-613-6741.
MORE RESOURCES: Eat More Mangos, Lower Your Diabetes Risk? New Study Uncovers Surprising Health Benefits SciTechDaily Free diabetes medication, menopausal hormone therapy coming to B.C. 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Don’t Count on It Office for Science and Society Investigation of fractional order model for glucose-insulin monitoring with PID and controllability Nature.com Alberta Diabetes Institute University of Alberta Meta-analysis of risk factors for recurrent gestational diabetes mellitus BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth ‘Sweat, spike, solve’: Research suggests a new strategy for people with Type 1 diabetes to lower blood sugar after exercise University of Alberta Potential benefits of GLP-1 receptor agonist in dialysis patients with type 2 diabetes: the need for comprehensive pharmacokinetic and hemodialysis analyses Cardiovascular Diabetology Diabetes drug could reduce heart failure in cancer survivors News-Medical.Net Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed? Yale School of Medicine P.E.I. signs $30-million pharmacare deal for diabetes medication, contraceptives The Canadian Press News nature-diabetes - University of Victoria - University of Victoria University of Victoria News Free diabetes medication, menopausal hormone therapy coming to B.C. Chilliwack Progress Reversing type 2 diabetes is possible. Here's how. National Geographic Urgent action needed as global diabetes cases increase four-fold over past decades World Health Organization Gestational diabetes: What to know during pregnancy Medical Xpress Common Diabetes Drug May Protect Heart During Cancer Treatment Technology Networks Gestational Diabetes in Subsequent Pregnancies Significantly Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes McGill University Health Centre Anti-Obesity Drugs Benefit Kidney Transplant Recipients with Type 2 Diabetes NYU Langone Health Diabetes Link connects condition to community University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily Facts and figures Breakthrough T1D Gestational Diabetes Management: Best Practices for Clinicians Diabetes In Control World Diabetes Day 2024 World Health Organization UAMS, AR Health Ventures partner with Arkansas pharmacies to improve diabetes education Magnoliareporter Diabetes World Health Organization ANISSA - Portraits of Diabetes University of Alberta Gut-liver modulator shows promising type 2 diabetes control in phase 2 clinical trial Medical Xpress World Diabetes Day World Health Organization Framework for Diabetes in Canada Breakthrough T1D Anti-obesity drugs found to benefit kidney transplant recipients with type 2 diabetes Medical Xpress ADI Celebrates 100 Years of Insulin | Alberta Diabetes Institute University of Alberta Gut Microbe Composition During Infancy May Protect Against Diabetes in Later Life Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News Recent decade saw no change in diabetes prevalence in US adults McKnight's Senior Living India cannot allow obesity, diabetes to weaken youth: Jitendra Singh The Economic Times Healthy Living with Diabetes - NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) With Diabetes on the Rise, Prevention is Key – Diabetes Awareness with Kayleigh Gordon Shared Health 100 Years of Insulin - ADI Seminar Series University of Alberta World Diabetes Day 14 November Welcome to the United Nations The Unexpected Reason This Insulin Pump-Maker Crashed 35% Investor's Business Daily Tirzepatide reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 94% in adults with pre-diabetes and obesity or overweight Investors | Eli Lilly and Company B.C. signs $670-million pharmacare agreement with federal government 650 CKOM News Talk Sports Diabetes: Breaking the gender barrier BusinessLine Changes to Gut Microbiome May Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk Harvard Medical School Karan Johar Denies Using Diabetes Drug For Weight Loss, Reveals His SECRET To Losing Weight Zee News RICHARD - Portraits of Diabetes University of Alberta |
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I Have Diabetes or Another Chronic Condition - Should I Use an HSA? Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are becoming quite popular for people who are generally healthy. But what about sick people? What about people who have chronic conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis or the like? Does an HSA make sense for them?The short answer is yes. Fanning the Flames of the Diabetes Epidemic INTRODUCTIONIt is my pleasure to introduce to you, a new Diabetes Prevention Education, Public Relations Campaign established under the name Fannie Estelle Hill Grant, started by me, Lyndia Grant-Briggs, after the loss of my mother who succumbed to Type 2 Diabetes on Christmas Day, December 25, 2000. I noticed a fire burning in the Diabetes health arena, and it is still burning out of control. Accu-Check Aviva Glucometer - New for Diabetes Testing Now you can help make every test strip count as you can test right the very first time.The wide-mouth strip quickly sucks on the tiny blood drop, helping 97% of diabetes fill the strip on the very first try. Type II Diabetes: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes The term diabetes refers to higher than normal levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. Type II diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, was commonly referred to as adult onset diabetes until recently when the name no longer accurately describes the population with this disease. Diabetes Awareness: Wake Up Call When traveling on out-of-town business, its common to have the hotel front desk give you a wake-up call in the morning. You want to avoid the embarrassment and repercussions of being late for your business appointments. If You Have Diabetes, You May Be Entitled To No Cost Diabetic Supplies This article is intended to inform people with diabetes in regards to their diabetic supplies. When I found out that my sister was diagnosed with the disease I started to research more and came across some useful information that might be helpful to others. Avandia Side Effect Lawyer: Diabetes Drug Damages Liver Avandia, a compound of rosiglitazone maleate, is an oral antidiabetic agent. Avandia pills increase insulin sensitivity for patients with type 2 diabetes, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Pre-Diabetes Awareness: Gamblers Understand the Odds Do you gamble? Play Texas Hold'em poker, casino games, or lotteries? Then understanding your odds of winning is part of the challenge.Are you planning on living a long and healthy life? A life free of aches and pains? A life full of excitement and adventure? Great, then understanding the odds of developing diabetes will surely cause you to take immediate action. Diabetes And The Long Term Dangers Diabetes has hidden dangers that begin before diagnosis and continue to worsen if certain steps are not taken to prevent the complications that are the true, "killers" in terms of diabetes.Statistics show that there are around 18 million diabetics in America, both Type 1 and Type 2. Pre-Diabetes: Check Engine Warning Light Your car has an early detection system and so does your body. Take 3 minutes to read this article and learn how you can save yourself a life time of aches, pains, and costly medical bills. Diabetes The following information is for educational purposes only and is meant to complement any medical treatment, not to prescribe or diagnose any condition. Please consult with your doctor before starting any medical or nutritional program. Diabetes and Exercise - Just Move it! While exercise and eating guidelines are based on goodscientific principles, they do not necessarily agree withhuman nature or common sense. Recent history tells us thatwe are better off encouraging the mediocre people who arewilling to include exercise in their daily lives, ratherthan cramming guidelines down the majority of those who wantto fight the inevitable. Get More Out Of Life While Managing Your Diabetes When I was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 21, I had not given the first thought to living a healthy diabetic lifestyle. As far as I was concerned, a healthy lifestyle was reserved only for fitness junkies and overweight moms. Diabetes and Fitness There are two main types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type I diabetes is characterized by the pancreas making too little or no insulin. Diabetes Awareness: The Downside... a New Wardrobe? Here is some commonsense thinking:I can't understand why anyone who has diabetes wouldn't exerciseand watch what they eat.The down side is that you may have to get an entire new wardrobe since exercise and healthy eating causes weight and size reduction. Benfotiamine - A New Tool In Preventing Diabetic Complications? Benfotiamine made headlines globally in 2003 when researchers released information about a study that was conducted at The Einstein College of Medicine in New York. The bottom line of this study was that a substance of the allithiamine group of the naturally occurring thiamine-derived compounds had positive effects on neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy and heart/circulatory problems in diabetics. How Do You Know If You Have Diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by the inability of the body to either produce or respond to insulin making it impossible to maintain proper levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The extra glucose is excreted in the urine and because of the high level of glucose more water is flushed through. Becoming a Diabetes Expert I am a diabetes expert. No I'm not a doctor or a nurse. Discover the Positive Effects of Exercise for Diabetes Sufferers There are two main types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type Idiabetes is characterized by the pancreas making too little or noinsulin. Ascensia Breeze Glucometer Rated Simple Testing Over and Over* simple and easy testing. Simple single-function buttons are easy-to-use and easy to understand* No more having to use individual test strips. ![]() |
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